Friday, March 22, 2002

Mood: Blech.
Music: None. I'm in the Language Lab at the University.
Mind: Chopin is shaky. Want sleep, need caffeine.

I don't understand this whole concept of a Language Lab ... a place where students can (read: are forced to) come to reinforce their foreign language skills. See, it just doesn't work for me. Why? Because there are so many fun things on the Web that don't involve Spanish, Latin America, or Speedy Gonzales. Damn shame, too, because Speedy Gonzales is friggin' funny.

I've promised myself that I'm setting aside time this weekend to design my web page. Yippee. It's going to be a real trip, considering that I don't know what I want it to look like yet. And then there's the small matter of submitting it to search engines, trying to get visitors, etc. etc. Having a Web site is a lot of work, dammit. <::Attempts to look pathetic::>

Okay, I'm going to play Spanish Concentration and Spanish WordSearch one more time, then it's off to piano lessons. No rest for the wicked. :)

Today's Diloma: Being a L33T Spanish Speaking Bear. Tres chic!
Wait. Wrong Language. :-\


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    Mood: Optimistic. Music: The Marriage of Figaro, ...