Thursday, March 21, 2002

Mood: Optimistic.
Music: The Marriage of Figaro, as butchered in "The Rabbit of Seville"
Mind: I didn't practice Chopin as promised. And I have Spanish quizzes (dos!) tomorrow.

Kate's Ink is born. I'm still in a state of near-disbelief, because I actually have a website of my own -- with my name in the title, no less. Not that I'm completely satisfied. When I was registering the domain, I thought it was so damn cute that it looked like it said Kate Sink. But if I have to explain to one more person that it's Kate's Ink, I think I'll flip.

Anyway, I haven't made any of the buttons for the site yet. I have a concept, written in a book, with lots of cutesy schtuff. However, I kind of feel like Billy from Family Circus, who cannot walk from the mailbox to the front door without running around two trees, stepping on a rake, jumping over the cat, and throwing a ball into the neighbor's yard. Not that I'm throwing things (yet), but there's no clear path between here and ... the end. :)

As crazy as it sounds, I've planned my weekend around the 1st 13th Annual Fancy Anvil Awards Show Program Live in Stereo, which is Saturday, March 23, at 6 p.m. The Southern Women's Show is this weekend, as is MidSouthCon. I'm skipping on the Con and going to the Show Friday, leaving Saturday completely free. I'll use that time to get it on with ImageReady.

Okay ... that's enough babbling for now. I'll keep this updated, even before the OSL (official site launch). So stay tuned. And drop me an e-mail at if you got something to say.


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot