Sunday, April 07, 2002

Music: Never Thought, Roger Clyne
Mind: How am I ever gonna get all this done?!

This has been a terrible week. A terrible awful week punctuated by dashes of blech and madness.

For one thing, I'll gladly go back to NOT having my menstrual cycle any day. That's just how it goes. I've spent the majority of the week holed up with Midol. I've also tried at various times: yoga, tea to relieve cramps, a heating pad, potassium pills, crying a lot and taking it out on Paul. The last two were inadvertant, and had the bonus effect of making me feel even worse.

Tomorrow -- Monday, a mere 20 hours from now -- I go back on The Pill. And then three more weeks of normalcy before all this starts again.

I dare say this has been the longest week of my life.

To cap it off, I've got mucho studying to do. I have a big test in Racial and Ethnic Minorities on Monday. I also have the parts of two Spanish tests on Monday. The majority of the two Spanish tests are Tuesday. ... So while the pain is over early in the week, I have to digest 2.5 chapters of Dos Mundos en Breve beginning Spanish book, 3 chapters of Puentes intermediate Spanish book, 2 chapters of Steinberg's The Ethnic Myth, and a whole damn book by Amott and Matthaei called Race, Gender and Work.

Today, in an act of cruel irony, I'm supposed to go to the Racquet Club with my parents to be inducted into Phi Kappa Phi honor society.

So here I sit, a scholar to be, with places to go, people to see, much studying to do ... and I don't feel like leaving the bed and the heating pad. Damn shame.

Well, I've at least got to hop in the shower and start getting ready. Then I'll study a bit, go to my house to bum a ride to the induction ceremony, come home, track down Paul, study some more.

And I need to do laundry.

God, I want to scream.


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