Monday, April 08, 2002

Mood: Better, now that I've vented.
Music: Nothing. Unplugged Paul's headphones.
Mind: I'd like to outsource some of this studying to my vendors and contractors.

Figured while I was posting, I'd dedicate a whole new post to the Great Apartment Hunt.®

Soon after my last post a week ago, Paul and I found a place we could live with. It's in a complex called Woodchase, and it comes with a washer, dryer, refrigerator, microwave, garbage disposal, stove and oven, dishwasher, and the kitchen sink. In other words, all the amenities at a price we can afford in a location that we like.

Yes, it's an impossibility!

So Paul and I agree to go sign a holding form, which essentially allows the Evil Apartment Nazis® to charge us $45 so there's an apartment when we need one in the next two months. But that's not all. Apparently, for the grand total of $115, they will (1) check our credit and tell us we don't make enough money to sign for this apartment alone, (2) force us to undersign our parents in case we renege on our rent, (3) call our respective employers (and a personal reference!) to make sure we are Even More Evil Apartment Dwellers®, and essentially suck the soul out of our poor, overworked, underpaid, full-time student bodies.

Oh, and we chose a wallpaper scheme too.

So, all legal hoodoo aside, we are the potential owners of 8305 Trinity Mills Drive, #7. We will receive two pool passes and one covered parking space. The apartment is downstairs, but on the back side of the complex, so we'll have a porch AND a back yard.

Am I excited? Of course!

I just want everything to be okay. I want them to give us the apartment with no big problems, you know?

We have until May 25 to get all that worked out. That's the day we sign the big lease and start moving stuff in. I'll update how things are going between now and then.


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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