Friday, April 12, 2002

Mood: Electric and fiery. Oh wait, that's my room.
Music: /me cringes Glycerine acoustic version
Mind: Nausea +12, Work -3, Bitterness unaffected.

My room is on fire. And apparently everybody believes me except for the firemen.

I came home and sat down in my chair, sure my suitemates had turned on the heat in here. Man, that made me mad. The air cut on, and a blast of hot crap shot out at me. I looked up in spite at the vent, and smoke was pouring out. White smoke. It smelled like burning batteries.

I opened the door -- my suitemate was going to the bathroom (Oops!) -- and asked if she smelled that. She said yes, and that, as a matter of fact, it was getting rather smoky in her room. We ran to get the resident adviser, Ashly, who smelled it and promptly freaked out.

Unable to find her boss(es), Ashly called Campus Police, and they told her to pull the alarm. We filed out. I went to watch my room burn down.

Well, I was outside for the next half-hour, but I've been filled in on what happened next. I watched fire trucks pull in one after another -- five in all. Two cop cars came too. Boy, I was freaking out at this point.

I finally got the go-ahead to re-enter the building, so my suitemate and I tracked down Ashly. Apparently, the campus police could also smell the burning electric stuff, but the firemen couldn't. They thought we all were crazy. My suitemate and I have determined we won't sleep well tonight. I checked my fire alarm, and it's working fine. Still, I'm a little nervous.

Ooh ... changed songs. Amendment:
Music: The Smiffenpoofs' cover of Linda Ronstadt, Long, Long Time. Cried the first time I heard it. Great song.

Well, the Evil Apartment NazisŪ called today, and said we wouldn't be able to get the apartment we wanted. To compensate, we get new carpet and new wallpaper. You know, law mandates we get new carpet anyway, so this isn't really a good deal. We lose our back yard.

Still ... we get a funny street name, and that makes up for it. New address is 8046 Windbreak Dr. #1, Cordova, TN 38018. Windbreak. Heh. Heh. :-D

Oh! Great news! My period is slowing down, even though it hasn't stopped yet. Still, I'm so nauseated! This idea of three pills a day is, well, hell. Thank you, Ms. Ramune Daisy Filipcic, for all your help. Still, I wish I didn't feel like I was riding a roller coaster all the time.

More great news: Income tax refund of $186. Half goes to the apartment/groceries/etc. The other half goes to Tracks. It's more fun that way.

I'm feeling good, even if my whole world burns up. Just let me save my purse, my teddy bears, and my poetry. Then burn away.


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