Saturday, April 20, 2002

Mood: Great. Spent time with Paul, drank daiquiris with Matthew.
Music: Carly Simon's version of I Am Woman.
Mind: Fuzzy. Blame Matthew. He made the daiquiris.

Ms. Kate's method for treating cramps:
1. Drink lots of daiquiris. Get quite drunk.
2. Hug stinky Big Brown Bear.
3. Get back to your "Chick Roots" with Tori Amos, Ani D., Sarah McLachlan, Alanis, Shakespear Sister, Cher, etc.
4. Post about it.

However, things are looking up. Paul finished his homework, and now he's working on my computer. Tomorrow we are going to take Matthew to see a movie, then we are going downtown. I'm going to call Matt and tell him we're stopping by to see him.

Man, speaking of Matthew, Matt and Paul ... I had this really messed up dream today. I hadn't intended to post about it, but what the heck. My dreams seem to go in cycles, but they are almost always vivid and either bad or weird. Funny how much my sleep habits have changed since I entered college. I almost always got enough sleep then, and I rarely had bad dreams. I am a product of the 15 pills I take every day. :-\

And now ... (drum roll, please) ...

Kate's Really Messed Up Dream:

Setting: The King's Inn in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Characters: Kate. Mom. Paul. Matthew. Matt. Ghetto B. Jonathan Chu. Elton John. (Told you this was messed up.)
What I remember: I remember a room with a bad paisley rug. It felt like Astroturf. The room was empty. There was supposed to be a concert in there, which I assume why Matt and Chu and Elton John were wandering around in the dream. There was a tour bus downstairs and outside, in the front of the hotel, at the bottom of the winding stairs with the gold rails. The bus was actually between the travel agent's office and where the ATM was supposed to be. (In the dream, a cleaner's from farther down King Street had replaced the ATM and bank.)

Mom was wandering around the hotel looking for me. Paul and I were wandering around the hotel looking for Matt, who was apparently wandering around the hotel looking for his guitar, which he had entrusted to Elton John. I think Elton had stolen it. It didn't matter anyway, because Matt had messed up his thumb somehow and had stitches in it. Jonathan was looking for the concert, but there never was REALLY a concert, because by the time I got back to the concert hall with Jonathan in tow, the concert hall had turned into an arcade. Matthew was inside playing Jedi Knight 2 on one of those big NeoGeo machines. Jedi Knight 2 looked a lot like Centipede, but with lightsabers.

I never got on the bus. Elton John did instead, but that apparently was satisfactory to Mom, because she didn't bug me anymore.

Why it's important: It's not. But it does point up a few things.

Things pointed up by Kate's Really Messed Up Dream:
1. Buildings in my dreams are constantly changing. I dream in a perpetual Winchester Mansion.
2. I often dream about my parents, my coworkers (and Matt), and Paul.
3. Music is always present. Lots of music. Proof that I eat, sleep, breathe for melody and harmony. Passion returns.
4. Ambient lighting is important. The scarier the better. Rooms get darker as I move about them. Especially annoying here, as I was /looking/ for somebody.

/end Kate's Really Messed Up Dream mode

Oh -- one little addendum: Paul barely touched my foot right at the end of the dream as I was waking up, and I yelled at him. I think I was pissed that I couldn't get Paul and Matthew to stop playing Jedi Knight 2 and Matt had messed up his hand. It didn't help that Elton John was a big poopyhead.

Wow. I've said a lot. This is strong rum. Feels warm.

Good name: Etienne Margeaux. I like it. At various other times in my life I've liked these names: McKenzie, Alexandria, Teresa, Madeleine, Briana. It's easy to come up with artful, pretty girl names. It's a lot hardet to come up with artful, pretty boy names. Example: Two of Paul's male coworkers are named Rivers and Angel. Angel should be a Centerfold, not a man. I protest vehemently, which is a word that I had to try to spell four times because my fingers apparently like rum too.

Since I'm thinking of Etienne, and I'm on a Chick Rock binge, I will now throw on Etienne Trilogy from vintage out-of-print Y Kant Tori Read.

I'll post again tomorrow, or when the mood strikes.


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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