Friday, April 12, 2002

Mood: Skipping class (Good); Stuck in language lab (Bad)
Music: Stuck in my head -- "We're In This Together Now, Nine Inch Nails
Mind: I finish up my stupid 15-hour lab requirement today! Yay me!

I've got to waste two hours in the language lab today. Two. Then my 13 hours will be 15, and "Adios, Kate."

See, the problem is that time around here goes Extremely Slowly. In fact, there is a working clock on the wall in here -- all the hands turn, etc. -- that stays stuck on 6:20 indefinitely. That's how time seems to pass in here.

I'll survive. ... I'd actually hoped to play with the HTML of the Blogger today. It seems that the site is progressing more slowly than I had intended, so to compensate, I am trying to make the Blogger look as nice as humanly possible. This seems to be a futile effort. I'm checking the way the page looks on the Dell at work, the Macs at work, and my computer at home. What looks good on one looks hideous on the other two. This is universal.

I could work at scripting the page myself -- coming up with something really clever and all -- but that takes time. Frankly, if I wanted to spend time on the page right now, i'd just go ahead and write the damn HTML and have it done and over with. The point is to attempt a quick fix until that moment in time when I feel ready to create the other parts of my site.

I'm tired. Well, I mean, when I woke up this morning, I felt awake, but now I'm all groggy and stuff. I wonder how people sleep with their eyes open. I'd like to learn that technique. It'd serve me well.

Now ... off to bide my time until my two hours are up. :)


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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