Tuesday, April 02, 2002

Mood: Zombie-ish.
Music: Live365's "Alternative Classics." It's teh win.
Mind: Is it sleepy time or wakey time?

I just started my period. Yea, Kate.

Why is this so important? Because it's the first in about four years. Hormones from Mars; Body from Venus.

According to my brand spankin-new birth control pills, which are supposed to get me back to normal, I should have actually started my period Thursday. That was five days ago. But I'd forgotten the cardinal rule of Kate's Body: Sabotage Thyself.

Five days behind schedule had me a little paranoid. But on top of that, I'd worked a 17-hour work day on four hours of sleep. I have a chance of sleeping about two hours before having to get up and tutor English students, followed by a quiz in Spanish, followed by a particularly evil dentist appointment, then work, then another Spanish class, then more work.

And I have a migraine, one of those nasty headaches that shoot the pretty stars all around the room before knocking you off your feet. It's just hell, basically.

So this was no time to start my period. Welcome back, after four years. Couldn't you have waited one ... more ... day?

Okay -- off to study Spanish. Blech.


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