Sunday, April 28, 2002



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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    Mood: Two exams are out of the way and juries are ...
    Mood: Great. Spent time with Paul, drank daiquiris...
    Mood: Nostalgic. Feel like pining for the old days...
    Mood: At work (Good, i makes teh monies this way)...
    Mood: Skipping class (Good); Stuck in language lab...
    Mood: Electric and fiery. Oh wait, that's my room....
    Mood: In a hurry. Gotta go to Spanish. Music: Sti...
    Mood: Better. I'm unloading on Matt. :) Music: Th...
    Mood: Growlie, dammit. Music: The beginning of Pu...
    Mood: Better, now that I've vented. Music: Nothin...