Thursday, May 30, 2002

Mood: Almost finished with Spanish. Forcing self to post.
Music: Stuck in my head: Vanessa Carlton's 1000 Miles
Mind: Gotta post fast. Paul and Matthew want to play CS ... and I've gotta study.

I can't believe I have thrown so much time into this Spanish class. It's ... been a great help to me, language-wise, as I've become much more fluent in Spanish. But I still feel naked without my Spanish dictionary at my side at all times. I know that as soon as I get cocky enough to leave it behind, somebody will throw a word at me that I don't know. Meh.

I've got to get cracking on the content for this site. I can't even keep the blog maintained, for God's sake. I'm always in my car or in class when I think of a good idea. At times I approach this with Sark-esque inspiration -- random and colorful. But most of the time, I'm wishing I were more organized with it. That ideas remained ideas -- full-fledged and exciting -- until I had time to write about them.

Well, we are officially in the new apartment. Ha ... I already refer to it as "our" apartment, although I'm not living here yet. I do spend an awful lot of time here, from the time class gets out until 2 a.m. most nights. Paul doesn't get home from work until 10:30 p.m. I usually start studying between 11 p.m. and midnight. Last night, we started baking chocolate chip cookies at 1 a.m.

Our phones began working today -- after five days of living solely by cell phone. We've had Road Runner since Monday, and we're waffling about getting cable. None of us watch television too much, but after a while, network TV becomes dry and humorless.

Okay. Time to go. I've been feeling really under the weather, and think a migraine is coming on. And my ear is bleeding. Meh. Again.

By the way ... here are a few sites I've been meaning to promo. I don't feel like digging through the HTML right now to add them to my favorite places, but they're worth checking out all the same.

Sites Worth Checking Out (an addendum):
1. Lynne's Travelogue to Japan
2. Fight teh Terr0r -- buy NO YUO!
3. Neopets. I am uber-addicted. Meh.

Over and out. Pfbbbt.


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