Sunday, May 05, 2002

Mood: OMG ... Extremely extremely extremely happy!
Music: None -- but it should be Pomp and Circumstance
Mind: Wowie Zowie.

Okay ... Kate's Grades:
1. Camping -- A+
2. Elementary Spanish 2 -- B
3. Intermediate Spanish 1 -- B
4. Marriage and Family -- A
5. Racial and Ethnic Minorities -- A-

And Paul's Grades:
1. Camping -- A
2. Elementary Spanish 1 -- D
3. Introduction to C++ Programming -- A
4. Introduction to Mass Media -- B
5. Racial and Ethnic Minorities -- B

In other words, neither of us failed anything. My GPA is now a 3.709 and his is a 3.091. I am thrilled.

I have a whole lot to post about. I want to talk about how it feels to no longer have my "home" and my job. I want to post the details of the wedding I was just in. I want to discuss all these emotional highs and lows. But now isn't the time. Paul and Matthew and I just celebrated over big Outback steaks (medium well, with potato soup and a baked potato). Now I think it's time for Jell-o shots and daiquiris.

Love and love and love and kisses.


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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