Saturday, May 18, 2002

Mood: Pretty good. Caught up on sleep again.
Music: My wedding dance mix: Smashing Pumpkins, Guns 'n' Roses, Cher, Wheatus, etc.
Mind: In a hurry. Gotta go to a retirement party for my 1st grade teacher.

I don't really have time for posting. Things are going to be kind of slow around here until I finish this intensive Spanish class and finish writing thank-you notes for wedding shower gifts.

At least my computer is working again. Finally turned in a claim with a $250 deductible.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you briefly about the worst marketing ploy I have ever seen.

On my refrigerator is a magnetic calendar from a real estate agent named ROSE PATTERSON in MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. I am making this perfectly clear because I am secretly hoping Rose puts her name into Yahoo one day and gets a hit on this site so she can see just how stupid I think her magnetic calendar is.

It wouldn't be so bad, except this is her slogan:

Come out smelling like a ROSE when you buy, sell or relocate with Rose Patterson.

Ponder it, then ponder it again.

Most people expect large wads of cash when they sell their home. But with ROSE PATTERSON in MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, you get to smell like a rose.

Touche, Rose. Touche. I got to admit no other real estate agent has told me that I'd smell better if I bought or sold a home through him or her.

But what does it all mean?


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