Sunday, June 09, 2002

Mood: Eh. Paul's weekend is ending. :(
Music: Strains of Mall Tycoon
Mind: Okay. No big outbursts.

Well, about three hours ago, Lennox Lewis beat Mike Tyson in the 8th round of the heavyweight championship downtown. This, of course, means nothing to me, because I:
-- (a.) Did not see any of the Hollywood stars in town this weekend;
-- (b.) Boxing is not an extremely exciting spectator sport;
-- (c.) I didn't want to pay the $55 bucks to watch it on Pay-per-view;
-- (d.) I got the recap on news tickers from all the local stations.

I broke down and bought Mall Tycoon tonight, perhaps the first for-self computer purchase I've made in a while. Well, I didn't actually pay for the game to begin with. Matthew did. This is his penance for deciding to move out of the apartment with one day's notice after a mere two weeks of living here.

No, I'm not bitter. I was ready to live away from home at 18, but not everybody is. So I can't hold that against him. Not to mention, I will be able to decorate as I please now, and I have completely reclaimed this apartment as my own. In other words, it doesn't feel so stiflingly small anymore!

I have hung one print in the house and put the bookshelf half-way together. Tomorrow, I get a swivel rocker from my aunt. I will also plant my herbs in my planter tomorrow. I chose spearmint, thyme and oregano. Meh. It was hard to find what I needed, so that'll have to do. I'd like to add lavender at some point in the future, because I saw a special on PBS about making sorbets from peach and lavender buds. How easy I am swayed.

Tonight was made so much better by a small concession stemming from my inherent pickiness. I am especially picky about the herbal teas I consume, and (boy!) do I drink a lot. I've already garnered half a dozen yucky ones in my cabinet, so I was thumbing through a few "leftover" packets that I didn't have enough of to make a pot. Among them was some specialty Canadian maple tea from when I was in Canada.

This was, perhaps, one of the most wonderful greatest yippee-yay finds ever. I am now on the Internet to order more. :)

Paul wants to use his computer, and I guess I better let him. As soon as I order my tea. Tea keeps me sane, and he appreciates anything that ensure I stay on an even keel.

Happy Saturday-night-Sunday-morning!


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