Sunday, June 30, 2002

Mood: Improving, although I keep putting off posting.
Music: Staind, For You
Mind: Ready for this incarnation of KatesInk to end

I miss the old incarnation of this Web site. And that's that.

Everything was great. I was getting mad hits, I was writing just because I wanted to, even the archives looked good. And now, I've tucked all that away because I went temporarily insane and thought I'd get my mind off the wedding by coding.

But, see, this is like the fourth time this week I've really just wanted to sit down and Blog about something, and then I think better of it because I don't want to say the wrong thing on a wedding Web site, and in doing so, scare off the #arsclan folks that are coming to the wedding to make Paul happy.

Like tonight. I had to hack my own computer. Literally. I know that sounds crazy, but I've got my mind on the wedding and temporarily forgot the password to my mother's preschool Web site. The site was made during a journalism Web site management class in college, so I inherited the position of webmaster once she bought a domain.

I picked a Really obscure password. It was so obscure I forgot it. And suddenly, a few nights ago, I wasn't going to be satisfied until I'd looked at her site stats, and I couldn't look at her site stats without her password.

As a side note, it's hard to find password crackers on the Internet anymore. They used to be all over the Internet. I thought I was so L33T with my little proggies in my early days of AOL (and even BEFORE I got AOL, when I had a small ISP called GNN). I got a kick out of these programs because they were so CRAZY, with names like PaSsWoRd PhYsHeR and ChAt RoOm BoTz. The latter would allow you to (annoyingly) scroll ASCII art into an AOL chat room. You could kick people out of chat rooms and everything.

So what happened? I thought that was part of the obnoxious fun of being young and turned loose upon AOL -- terrorizing chat rooms and fishing passwords and kicking people. Tee hee. I've come so far.

So I had to get a password fisher tonight. The story is comedy gold, but I'm too tired to tell it. Meh. You can make it up in your head, and it'll be just as funny. I promise.


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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