Wednesday, June 05, 2002

Mood: Much better. Funny how those things happen.
Music: Staind, For You
Mind: Relaxed.

First of all, I feel much better.

Secondly, I think God led me to a website today that touched me in a very deep way. Here's the link:

I first heard about Self Injury from a friend of mine who is about 18 now. Despite the fact he's a few years younger than me, he's wise beyond his age. He's smart and funny. He's always kind to me. But this friend has struggled with personal problems and family issues for a long time, and he started to dabble in cutting. Since I first heard about it, I've met two other cutters. It's a serious problem, and it's becoming more widespread in my age group -- late teens and early twentysomethings.

I've asked Nicole and Jake, the two people who run the site mentioned above, if they'll talk to me more about it. I prayed earlier for God to put today -- my worst day in months -- into perspective. And this is what I got. Two young people who have struggled with S.I. and lived to tell about it. I want their voice to be heard. I offered to interview them for a story about S.I. I'll offer to host their site here ad-free, if they want or need it. I've just never felt such a strong passion to help people be heard.

Any thoughts, ideas, comments? Drop me a line --


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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