Sunday, June 09, 2002

Mood: Sad for a missing girl named Elizabeth Smart. :(
Music: None
Mind: Aiight, thanks much.

Quickly just wanted to post something that I said about a missing 14-year-old girl named Elizabeth Smart from Utah. I happened upon the AOL message boards, and there was so much CRAP on there that I was sickened. People were cutting down Mormons, dissing her father's businesses. Some said prayers were useless and God didn't care. One sick-o posted a thread called "Seductive Innocence" about how "lucky" the kidnapper was to have the "opportunity" in his hands. (Yes, several AOL members reported him to TOS, and his message was pulled.)

Anyway, this was my response:

Maybe you've just gotten off-track, but I think a lot of people are forgetting the main thing here: There is a lovely, innocent 14-year-old child who is missing.

It doesn't matter what you think of Mormons.
It doesn't matter what you think of her father's businesses.
It doesn't matter whether you think her family is guilty.
It doesn't matter whether you think prayer will help.

What matters is that a young teen girl -- who hasn't had a chance to even discover herself or who she wants to be one day -- is somewhere out there. If she's alive (and there's still hope that she is), she's probably very lost, very alone and very scared.

It's time to quit passing judgment on her family and her religion. If you pray, pray that she is comforted and empowered. If you don't pray, at least send some positive thoughts her direction. Her parents are hurting, her church is hurting, and her extended family is hurting. But probably the person hurting the most is Elizabeth herself. Set aside your differences, and show a little heart.


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