Friday, June 14, 2002

Mood: Sleepy. Bah.
Music: None. Trying to code.
Mind: Eat-Sleep-Breathe-Dream about wedding stuff.

Well, as you can see, the KateBlog has moved. I even lost the Kate's Ink logo that I'd spent so much time making. I keep telling myself that I'll bring it back after the wedding, but maybe I'll sneak it on here somewhere. That would make me feel better, at least.

I'm attempting to code up something fast to send to the people who are coming in from out of town. This means, of course, that I'm spending lots of time accomplishing very little. I keep getting sidetracked by little things, like, umm, stress.

Example: I have spent SO MUCH TIME on this wedding that I literally wanted to throw this website together in 48 hours. (Of course, I haven't done that.) But to get a lot accomplished fast, while using Paul's computer in the apartment, I resorted to coding the logo in Cool-3D. This took me, umm, 10 minutes. I was happy that I hadn't spent any more time on it than I had.

So I was pretty peeved when Paul posted the link to KatesInk before I was finished with the wedding stuff. I mean, I just wanted a quick site with a lot of information on it. It wasn't supposed to look professional. I'm not a professional. I'm a journalist who happens to know a few HTML codes.

So when Paul told me that an #arsclanner told him the site looked like "ass," I fumed. I KNEW it looked bad. I didn't need anyone else to tell me. The point was that I wanted info. Not graphics. Just info. Bah.

I ended up changing the logo, just to make said #arsclanner happy. So, thanks, thrillho. I didn't even speak to you, and yet I spent 45 minutes on ImageReady today attempting to create a more palatable logo.

Like I said, Bah.

And now I'm off to make more pages. I hate this, and I hate that Paul can't code half the site himself. It makes me grumpy.

Tea. I need tea.


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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