Monday, June 03, 2002

Mood: Tee-hee. Don't ask.
Music: Ani Difranco's As Is, from Little Plastic Castles
Mind: Lost it.

Well, my mother and my grandmother came over for a visit at the apartment today.

With 5 minutes of notice.

I have never so quickly in my entire life managed to throw dirty clothes into the closet, make the bed, wipe up the kitchen, hide anything I wouldn't want them to see, etc. etc. I won't go into great detail here, because I have some fear that they'll log on and read this. But I was kicking stuff under the bed even as they were walking into the room.

Rather intrusive, no? Paul reiterated this was the reason that the keys never leave the hands of the three of us -- myself, Paul and Matthew. Otherwise, we'd all go crazy.

I did manage to overlook two details. On the counter, I left the boys' Diablo II CD. My grandmother asked me what it was, and my mother said it looked scary. I nonchalantly told them it was a video game and changed the subject. I'm good at changing the subject. After all, I'm a journalist, right? The other thing I left out was my Death: The High Cost of Living candle. It's pretty, but also pretty gothic. I don't think they'd understand the significance of it, other than to think it was bad.

In other news, I'm starting to address invites for the wedding. I couldn't be more happy about the ArsClan turnout that's going to be there. TheZy and his wife are coming, as are Ronin and his wife. Among the singletons are Phrag, Einvigi, MrD (and date?), Fuzz and ZenWolf. I'm also thinking about inviting Rompbot because I kind of miss talking to him. However, I know he won't come. Meh.

Speaking of ArsClan, I had nothing better to do than read the forums today. I ended up in the Velvet Room, which should actually be subtitled "Too Much Information." The Velvet Room ("Too Much Information") really has no place on the OpenForum, but there was nothing going on in the Lounge or Gaming, Extra Strength Caplets, so I relented.

The thread:...

Yech. I'm so Normal.


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