Tuesday, August 13, 2002

Mood: Good, with reservations.
Music: None.
Mind: Migraine is gone. Makes thinking a little easier.

I've hit the mother lode of interesting news sites, so I've been having trouble stopping myself from inundating #arsclan with needless links.

I'd bother Rompy, but corporate life has made him distant. I do hope I wasn't that way last summer when he wasn't working and I had the big corporate job.

I guess it doesn't really matter too much, as I hadn't talked to him in months, and had pretty much resigned myself to letting him live his life and finding happiness. Paul and I talked at length about it, because it troubled me that I was upset over my friendship with a man. I felt guilty because I was engaged. I approached Paul and told him that this was the lowest point I'd ever been in my life. I was having trouble choosing bridesmaids and really felt more comfortable around the myriad of male friends he and I had made over the years, primarily in college.

It bothered me because I figured couples were supposed to have couple friends. And he assured me that he trusted me. I'd never hurt him, I'd never leave him. It was soon a moot point because Rompy was off chasing rainbows, and things slowly got back to normal. It was the lowest point I'd been in my life. Between my stint on the copy desk, Paul's long research hours and feeling so helpless, I was really crutching on the antidepressants. Andy -- the other intern -- was a godsend. He's in Fort Wayne now, and I wish him the best. (see below)


Now. What was I saying? Oh right. I guess I started taking Romp with a grain of salt because Paul made me realize that once the important things are in place, everything else will work out. And things are better. In fact, I feel pretty good, and it'll hopefully get better from here. We'll see.

By the way, check out this link: http://www.likeanorb.com/wtc/. Voted Best of the Web. Reading the signs, really studying everything, made me weep for the first time in a long time. I'll never forget that day, how my staff pulled together and everything. That's for another day.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.


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