Saturday, September 14, 2002

Mood: Gooood.
Music: The Theme to Sesame Street
Mind: Got the hiccups, which are annoying.

It's hard to type and hiccup at the same time. I think it's governed by the same principle that says you can't sneeze with your eyes open. Every time I hiccup, I hit three or four random keys, which makes my typing look something like this: It's wi-0hard to02n t082ype wit,h hic99-cups. So I end up hitting the backspace key a lot (usually while I hold my breath and try not to hiccup), then slowly correcting each sentence one by one. What a drag!

Well, I got a full-time position at Barnes and Noble -- which isn't exactly in the fine field of journalism, but it will pay the bills. I start in two days, and I'm glad it will get me out of the house.

Meh. I really wanted to post about Sesame Street tonight, but the hiccups are making this slow-going. I'll resume tomorrow.

All my love -- Kate


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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