Friday, March 29, 2002

Mood: Blech. 'Nuff said.
Music: Once again ... in the language lab.
Mind: Learned Chopin, sorta. Hate Chopin. Glad he is dead.

It's time to find an apartment. God forbid.

I think that the Evil Apartment Nazis® make it their lifelong goal to keep you from renting one of their flats. There's simply no other explanation for why it's so difficult to find an apartment.

Apartments can be divided into three categories:
1. Too expensive
2. Too scummy
3. Too far away

Here's where the strategy of the Evil Apartment Nazis® comes in. Should you actually find an apartment that is neither too expensive or too scummy, and if this apartment (perchance) has reached its Zen Location, an Evil Apartment Nazi® will teleport said apartment to the 14th dimension. Or, if that isn't an option, said Evil Apartment Nazi® will simply rent it out to someone far more diabolical than himself. The result is apartment buildings full of Evil Apartment Nazis® and Even More Evil Apartment Dwellers®.

With this in mind, I've come to this conclusion: We're doomed.

I'll let you know how the search goes, but don't get your hopes up.

Monday, March 25, 2002

Mood: I feel like Droopy Dog. :-\
Music: You're so Vain, Carly Simon
Mind: How can I write when mind-shards are this scattered?!

I bought a scale tonight. It's all part of this whole diet thing that I'm doing. Well, guess what? It doesn't work. I bought a broken scale. At first, I thought it must have this way-low weight limit, but the box says 330 pounds. And it wouldn't work for Paul either. How maddening. So, at some point, I've got to take my broken scale back to Target to get another one. It sure as hell better work. And I don't mean that big red letters should pop up telling me how fat I am. I mean, I want bells and whistles to go off every time I lose an eighth of a pound. Now THAT'S motivation.

Tomorrow is Monday. I hate Mondays more than I hate anything else in the whole damn world. I can't figure out how this happened here. See, God creates Man and says, "Hey, Man! It's Sunday. Get your butt over here and worship me!" So Man throws on his best-looking loincloth, sings a few hymns, prays a bit, marvels at a burning bush ... whatever. And he goes to bed Sunday night secure in the fact that he's made God reeeeally happy. But then, a mere eight hours later, he wakes up and it's Monday. It's like ... eternal weekday punishment. What's up with that?

Ohh, I think I'd better go. I actually am trying to have a decent conversation with a friend right now. He's been hit by the lack-of-love bug, and I'm playing counselor. It's always been fun being one of the guys ... yet being a girl. :-D

Friday, March 22, 2002

Mood: Blech.
Music: None. I'm in the Language Lab at the University.
Mind: Chopin is shaky. Want sleep, need caffeine.

I don't understand this whole concept of a Language Lab ... a place where students can (read: are forced to) come to reinforce their foreign language skills. See, it just doesn't work for me. Why? Because there are so many fun things on the Web that don't involve Spanish, Latin America, or Speedy Gonzales. Damn shame, too, because Speedy Gonzales is friggin' funny.

I've promised myself that I'm setting aside time this weekend to design my web page. Yippee. It's going to be a real trip, considering that I don't know what I want it to look like yet. And then there's the small matter of submitting it to search engines, trying to get visitors, etc. etc. Having a Web site is a lot of work, dammit. <::Attempts to look pathetic::>

Okay, I'm going to play Spanish Concentration and Spanish WordSearch one more time, then it's off to piano lessons. No rest for the wicked. :)

Today's Diloma: Being a L33T Spanish Speaking Bear. Tres chic!
Wait. Wrong Language. :-\

Thursday, March 21, 2002

Mood: Optimistic.
Music: The Marriage of Figaro, as butchered in "The Rabbit of Seville"
Mind: I didn't practice Chopin as promised. And I have Spanish quizzes (dos!) tomorrow.

Kate's Ink is born. I'm still in a state of near-disbelief, because I actually have a website of my own -- with my name in the title, no less. Not that I'm completely satisfied. When I was registering the domain, I thought it was so damn cute that it looked like it said Kate Sink. But if I have to explain to one more person that it's Kate's Ink, I think I'll flip.

Anyway, I haven't made any of the buttons for the site yet. I have a concept, written in a book, with lots of cutesy schtuff. However, I kind of feel like Billy from Family Circus, who cannot walk from the mailbox to the front door without running around two trees, stepping on a rake, jumping over the cat, and throwing a ball into the neighbor's yard. Not that I'm throwing things (yet), but there's no clear path between here and ... the end. :)

As crazy as it sounds, I've planned my weekend around the 1st 13th Annual Fancy Anvil Awards Show Program Live in Stereo, which is Saturday, March 23, at 6 p.m. The Southern Women's Show is this weekend, as is MidSouthCon. I'm skipping on the Con and going to the Show Friday, leaving Saturday completely free. I'll use that time to get it on with ImageReady.

Okay ... that's enough babbling for now. I'll keep this updated, even before the OSL (official site launch). So stay tuned. And drop me an e-mail at if you got something to say.

Click here for more info on Kate.

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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