Sunday, February 27, 2005

Good ... Bad

Paul left town yesterday for a week-long analytical chem conference in Orlando. Let us now commence a game of good...bad to memorialize the occasion.

GOOD: I put on makeup(!) on a Saturday(!) which is something I rarely do even when Paul is home.
BAD: The only person who saw it was my waiter at the Mexican restaurant where I got a table for one and pored over a New Orleans visitor's guide.

GOOD: I played video games past midnight over a jack&coke, falling asleep in my clothes and makeup.
BAD: I can't take my sleeping pills when I drink, which means I slept like hell, woke up in my clothes, and had lipstick smeared on my chin and the back of my hand.

GOOD: Despite the lack of sleep, I rolled out of bed to take my meds (on time, no less!).
BAD: Despite the lack of sleep, I can't go back to bed. I'm groggy but can't fall asleep.

GOOD: I spent 45 minutes tackling some much-needed cleaning/organizing that Paul and I put off when we moved.
BAD: I haven't made a dent in the mess. And my allergies are going haywire from the dust.

GOOD: I decided to cook breakfast instead of noshing on junk food.
BAD: The closest thing I could find to "real food" was a Pasta Anytime that expired more than six months ago. I'm eating it anyway. :)

I'm actually doing quite well -- I didn't realize how much I'd come to rely on Paul around here. But it's nice to have some Me Time to spend as I see fit. And right now, I see fit to plan towards our vacation next week. Oh, and finish eating my expired pasta.


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