Friday, February 18, 2005

Interview with a vampire, err, I mean editor...

Rosalind, the reporting intern (and all-around awesomely helpful chica) at TDN is taking a publishing process class at the University of Memphis this semester. She has elected me as her written interviewee. Here are the questions I must answer. (I'm sure I'll blog my answers over the weekend.)

  1. Start off by giving me a little information about your educational background: where you went to school, degree obtained, other school activities that may relate to your current position.
  2. (This is to provide information for the students in my class.) Give me a ballpark figure for expected salary for your position. In other words, your starting salary, without being very specific.
  3. Your title and what your duties are. ( I think I pretty much have this covered, but just in case…)
  4. When you were getting ready to graduate from college, what were your goals and aspirations for a career?
  5. Do you plan to go for a higher degree?
  6. How you ended up working for the Daily news and a little about your experiences here. (overall)
  7. What other editing positions do you hold? (Didn’t you say you were editor of another Downtown publication???)
  8. Your opinion on the opportunities that are available in Memphis (the South) for students interested in publishing, either in newspaper or other markets?
  9. Tell me about how you came to work on the anthology.
  10. Tell me about the story gathering process and the publishing process for the anthology.
  11. Since the anthology was a small press project, will you be responsible for the publicity and sales?
  12. How does working on the anthology tie into your day-to-day role as an editor?
  13. Which do you enjoy more: the fiction market or newspaper?
  14. Tell me about any plans you have for the future as far as newspaper publishing or fiction.
  15. What is most enjoyable about your job?
  16. …least enjoyable?
  17. Any advice for aspiring editors????
Well, what do you think? Should I tell her how editing led to my current stint with antidepressants and antianxiety pills? And how it's ultimately sending me to a shrink? Or should I tell her about my love affair with red pens -- the candy-coated version in which I'm Fairly Incrediblewoman, able to leap dangling participles in a single bound?

Will ponder all these things before replying to her. And as I ponder, I shall be known as

Predator Editor <3


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