Monday, February 28, 2005

Merge, Purge, Surge, Repeat.

A coworker of mine, Stacey Wiedower, has a theory about mergers:

In a few years, mergers will leave us with ultra-conglomerates. We will shop at Store, put our funds into Bank, and watch one network called TV. We will eat at Restaurant, wear Brand, drive Vehicle.

Scary? Yes. Funny? Absolutely. I see it as another one of those Things Which Cannot Be Avoided, something on which to comment but not necessarily worry. And hey, if I'm not worried about it, nobody else should be, either -- because I worry about everything! :)

The real question is when the world mergers are going to pick up in full force. That's when the real fun begins. Then we will all watch News (hey, they've already got the name for it), and shop at Daiso.

All hail our CEO-verlords.

Click here for more info on Kate.

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    A plague on Humana
    Now where did I put my gloves and scarf?
    Good ... Bad
    With a brushstroke here and a brushstroke there
    I think I can, I think I can (maybe, possibly)
    Happy pigs?!
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    Open letter to Internal Revenue Service
    Open letter to Monsanto