Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Open letter to Monsanto

Monsanto Corp.
800 N. Lindbergh Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63167

22 February 2005

Dear Monsanto:

On 20 December 2004, I was involved in a three-car accident in Memphis, Tenn. A GMC pickup hit a Ford Taurus, pushing the Taurus into me as I sat at a complete stop.

So why am I writing you? Well, the pickup was being driven by one William Trantham. He owes you $592,677.89 for patent infringement. See, you and I have something in common. Mr. Trantham lied to you when he bought Roundup Ready seeds using a false name. And he lied to me when he told me he had insurance.

Now, I don't know when you're going to get your money -- if you get it at all. But if you do, could you please give me $300 for a new bumper cover? I'd only had my car for four days, and it's just not fair.


P.S. In your free time, do you think you could clean up the environment a bit? kthxbai.


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