Monday, February 21, 2005

Party of four becomes party of three (or how I had to cancel my dinner date for tonight)

To: Christy, Johanna, Candy. (and bcc:'d to myself)

Happy President's Day, ladies.

I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to make it tonight to Rafferty's. I've had a meeting come up that's really important to me. (I know -- could I be any more vague? I just don't want to give details prematurely, so be patient with me here.)

I'm going to be at the Davis-Kidd book-signing next Tuesday. I know I'll see Johanna then, and hopefully you too, Christy and Candy. I can't believe it's been 10 months since we had lunch at Blue Monkey. How time flies when you grow up and enter the real world.

Oh, while I've got your ear, please keep me in your thoughts/prayers. I'm going to see a psychiatrist on Thursday, March 3, to help with some anxiety issues. I've been on anxiety medication since 2001 with only moderate success, and my doctor feels I need a combination of drugs to get it under control. I have good days and bad days (who doesn't?!), except my bad days usually involve staying in bed and taking calm-down meds. Honestly, I'm scared witless at the thought of going to a psychiatrist, because there's still a huge stigma attached to "seeing a shrink." I didn't know how I was going to bring it up in person at dinner tonight, so an e-mail serves my purposes well. You guys have all known me a long time and I know you'll be sympathetic to what I'm going through.

Also, I mentioned to Johanna that I've got an anthology coming out. Of course, it's a tiny production compared to hers, as it's just a small local publishing company that's trying to build its base. It's a book of mysteries under 1,200 words. I was amazed by the response -- I received nearly 150 submissions from all over the country (and Canada, England and Crete!). Fifty-three made it into the book. The publisher and I are negotiating with artists now.

I'm really going to miss seeing you guys tonight, but you are three of the most understanding gals out there. Please send me e-mail -- all of you -- and fill me in on dinner. Oh, and let me know if you'll be at Johanna's signing, too.

Love you all ... have fun ...


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