Monday, February 14, 2005

Phantasm is...

First things first. I am testing out the Blogger e-mail-to-blog feature ... so if this looks wonky, I will be fixing it in future posts. [Edit: It didn't work, apparently, so I am copy/pasting from my sent mail folder. Must look into this.]

Today, I hit level 32 in City of Heroes. ^_^ This means I got the power I've been waiting for since May: Phantasm. Phantasm is a "pet," but he's oh-so-much-more. He's this tall, flying being of light that has incredible energy blasts and makes me a powerhouse. Okay, so he doesn't really make me a powerhouse, because I still struggle against much harder guys. But compared to my pre-Phantasm fights, I'm dealing a lot more damage. In fact, I could probably even solo! (Woo-hoo.) And between all my "pets" (Phantasm, Phantom Army and Spectral Terror), I feel very protected indeed. :-)

Sorry I'm feeling and writing brainlessly. It's going to take me a while to get back to blogging -- in which I write down the useful, memorable things and discard the crap. Until I get to that point, you've got to filter through the crap looking for the useful stuff.

In honor of my Phantasm (for whom I am desperately seeking a name), I have decided to run "Phantasm" through Here are the (partial) results:
phantasm is the story of a teenager who witnesses a really tall guy
phantasm is obviously using the marauders to collect all the masks
phantasm is a fantastic horror/science
phantasm is truly a child of don coscarelli
phantasm is
phantasm is the ending
phantasm is the fantasy and innocence lost and forgotten in our adulthood
phantasm is unquestionably a must
phantasm is outstanding
phantasm is; he basically looks like the grim reaper with a sickle gauntlet that has these cool smoke effects and disappearing acts
phantasm is incredibly flexible; with arts such as inspire a wraith can focus a human deeply on the religious overtones of life and art
phantasm is one of my all time favs
phantasm is an absolute tour
phantasm is presented at 1
phantasm is an effect
phantasm is jennifer
phantasm is a very interesting character
phantasm is far superior
phantasm is to be here/not here
phantasm is an aquired taste
phantasm is related to our intellect as that which is understood?
phantasm is the proper operation of the soul by virtue of its union with the body
phantasm is one of those
phantasm is reduced to 0 power
phantasm is the realization of who the real master of dreams is
phantasm is being prepared for the same career as the tall man

Adios, amigos, from my pets and me. ^_^


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