Thursday, March 31, 2005

10 Things (Almost) Nobody Knows About Me

This was floating around on some forum I was reading. I'd like other people to, you know, post their list in the comments. Please? Please please?

10 Things (Almost) Nobody Knows About Me
  1. I have an extra bone behind each Achilles tendon. I may have to have them taken out.
  2. Unjustified dislike #1: Bridges. Ever since seeing this (1987) and this (1989) on the news.
  3. Unjustified dislike #2: Sunflowers. Ooh, they're creepy, following the sun and all that.
  4. Never made a D or F, kindergarten through college. Lucky, huh?
  5. I have visited 25 states and the District of Columbia. (Also, Canada.)
  6. If I had been born a boy, I would have been named Sam.
  7. I was suspended in 8th grade for stealing a candy bar, just to see if I could.
  8. I was suspended in prekindergarten for jumping on a little boy's back and pulling his hair.
  9. My first word was "bear." Big surprise, huh?
  10. My most embarrasing moment was in college, when my desk fell over ... with me still attached.
Learn something new every day, huh? Now, please, share yours. Or else.


Blogger smacky said...

I posted five (they were already getting too personal!) on my blog.

7:50 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

i have a crush on william h macy. (i am 19.)

i lost my virginity to a guy i had known (at that time) for 7 hours.

i was arrested when i was 11, and again when i was 12.

i can get almost any information out of anybody.

wow, that was highly personal, considering i don't even know you. and i've never been here before.

hi, i'm lauren, by the way.

11:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(she keeps it quiet for me, i like to think, though i don’t tell her.)

Aggregate frivolous seclusions that agglomerate to one’s most clandestine being;
Perfidious moments to a seditious inner self, disregarded or abated by a more noble (One’s Own).
The shadow fails not to temper the light
despite mindfully veiled fragmentary conceptions, led and misled by an own aloof conviction, set aplomb
An inexorably jaundiced mind leads a world adrift

Who knows what you won’t tell them ?

12:08 AM  
Blogger Monstee said...

10 Things (Almost) Nobody Knows About Me

1. Actually likes Brussel sprouts.
2. Suffers from Dysgraphia, spells at forth grade level.
3. Only sleeps about 45 minutes a week.
4. Has IQ around 170.
5. Literally drools at smell of comic books
(mostly hard to find, out of print, underground stuff)
6. Watched "Little Shop of Horrors" video every night for over a month.
7. Dressed up for midnight movie "Rocky Horror Picture Show" - Eddy
8. Has been know to initiate sex while sleeping
9. Lost virginity on set of "Star Trek"
10. One out of every ten things out of mouth is lie.

6:50 AM  

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    My therapist isn't dead (Yay!)
    Guess I'll go eat worms
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