Wednesday, March 02, 2005

10 Things I've Done That You Probably Haven't

Okay. I've officially become the latest victim of the silly little TTIDTYPH meme floating around LiveJournal. It's all Johanna's fault. Swear.

10 Things I've Done That You Probably Haven't:
  1. I've named a Crayola crayon that is now sold all over the United States.
  2. I've interviewed Scooby Doo (well, the voice of Scooby and Shaggy, at least).
  3. I've teetered around on a catwalk so a giraffe could eat out of my hand. (Did you know they don't have any top teeth?)
  4. I took somebody's stitches out when I was four years old.
  5. I wrote a college thesis on the power of Blue's Clues.
  6. I've been on the field in the Superdome ... with a broken foot.
  7. I volunteered to work at a presidential campaign headquarters before I could vote. (I was 16.)
  8. I've taken a college-level class on comic books (and honest to God, it was one of the hardest classes I've ever taken).
  9. I spent the night in a zoo.
  10. I started programming BASIC at age 8 and took my first computer class at a university at age 10.


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