Monday, March 14, 2005

Finding pleasure in the (fractionally) small things

Well, I spent all day Sunday editing SASM stories ... and TMD stories ... and also getting myself mentally prepped for coming back to work today. It was actually a nice segue away from vacation and into editing mode. I felt right at home with red pen in hand. ^_^

Anyway, I got to work this morning to 120 pieces of e-mail on my work account. Now I know that doesn't sound like anything to the normal person (I mean, heck, I get that much on my home account each day). But these 120+ pieces of e-mail were spam-free, thanks to TDN's crackerjack spam filter. So began the laborious task of skimming through 120 press releases, wire stories, and the like.

I got to a press release from a local chamber of commerce (which shall remain nameless) that gave me a giggle. It was soliciting advertisers for the chamber's upcoming annual mailout. It reads, in part, "Last year, the chamber made over 28,000.00 contacts."

... Which leads me to wonder what a fractional contact would look like. If you kinda met the chamber leaders but not really, would that make you half a contact? If you know the mayor's brother's second wife, are you 10 percent of a contact?

I know, it's a (fractionally) small pleasure, laughing at this press release gaff. But, hey, it's exactly what I needed to cheer me up the first day back on the job.

And, now, the eagle-eyed editor --> O_O <-- gets back to work. ^_^


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