Monday, March 28, 2005

Finishing up the book

Well, I edited the last of the stories today. I'm fairly convinced that one author isn't going to send in her contracts, so 52 stories have become 50 stories. I'm sure Chuck's not sweating it, because it's a long book anyway, and he was complaining about the profit margin.

I also wrote my bio and the dedication. And since they're going to make the rounds anyway, I might as well go on and share.

The Bio: LKCS (Anthologist) is a copy editor from Memphis, Tennessee, who uses her red pens for good, not evil. In her little free time, she enjoys playing the piano, collecting teddy bears, and beating her husband at video games.

The Dedication:
For Dad -- because BusyTown gave me the language; for Mom -- because Nancy Drew gave me the love; and for Paul -- because your patience and dedication gave me the strength to see this project through. -- Love, Kate (March, 2005)

Now all I lack are galley proofs and artwork. As soon as I get a scan from Mark, I will blog it posthaste.

On a marginally related note, I'm absolutely exhausted. I have cancelled an ungodly number of coffee breaks (Jeremy), lunch dates (Mandi), book meetings (Chuck), phone calls (Carrie) and jam sessions (Matt). I've also come home late more times than I'd care to recount (sorry, honey).

I'm overworked, I'm anxious, I'm ... digging for excuses. If you really love me, come grab me out of my office and drag me away from my responsibilities. Otherwise, I may never leave. You've been warned.


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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    He must be REALLY hideous
    The Best Rainy Day Gift Ever
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    And, one day, I lose it at work
    Speechies of goodness
    Mixed Bag