Saturday, March 26, 2005

He must be REALLY hideous

I would be remiss if I didn't make mention of the Mud Island Streaker, which has been all over the Memphis TV news this week.

The first news report I heard said, "Most of the victims are so grossed out by what they see that they run for it before getting a good look at his face." (Later news reports by the same network referred to victims as "shocked" instead of "grossed out.")

Either this guy is really hideous or really, err, impressive.

Apparently, Miss Cordelia's -- the Harbor Town grocery/deli/restaurant on Mud Island -- is taking the streaker in stride. One of the local news anchors reports they've created a "streaker sandwich" for the occasion. I tried to confirm this online, but Miss Cordelia's Web site is under construction. However, the anchor reported it's a "naked ham sandwich" -- you know, one without mayo or other fixings. ^_^


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