"Long Questionaire"
This is courtesy of Terre at Memphis Downtowner (and all-around nice gal). I'm taking a break from packing my bags to head to New Orleans and the beach to fill this out. But hey, a break is good, right? :-)
Welcome to the next edition of getting to know your friends. Okay, here's what you're supposed to do ... try not to be LAME and spoil the fun! Just give in, you DO have time to do it! Copy (not forward) this entire e-mail and paste it into a new e-mail that you can send. Change all of the answers so that they apply to you. Then, send this to a whole bunch of people you know *INCLUDING* the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known facts about your friends. Remember to send it back to the person who sent it to you.
If you think you are "too busy," you ain't. Just let it sit until you come to terms with what really matters in our short lives.
Hey, just HAVE FUN!!
1. WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? Leslie Kate Crawford-Simone. If I was a boy, I would have been named Sam.
2. WHAT COLOR UNDERPANTS ARE YOU WEARING? Purple leopardy-type print. Heck, it's nothing special. Came in one of those Hanes multipacks. Ha!
3. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? Just finished a rousing game of City of Heroes, so I have TeamSpeak on. Right now, I'm listening to a conversation between seven of my closest gaming buddies.
4. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? One cannelloni from Coletta's. Paul and I had dinner with Mom and Dad so we could swap mail. All of my magazines go to their house; all of their charity crap still comes here. It's been very confusing moving into their house.
5. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? Tennesienna. But only because, you know, I named it. If you buy one of the new boxes of patriotic Crayolas, I will autograph it for you. No, okay, I really won't because that's just lame.
6. HOW IS THE WEATHER RIGHT NOW? Cold front's on the move. I'm a little nervous about driving through it tomorrow, especially since there's a threat of hail and whatnot. But right now, I'm in my air-conditioned office, which is quite lovely indeed.
7. LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? My little brother-in-law. Kawaii! ^_^
8. THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX? Generally, I try to gauge how much they're going to annoy me in the future.
9. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT YOU THIS? Does anybody ever say "no" to this question? Of course I like her. I think she'd be fun to chill with if I ever saw her out of the office. :-D
10. HOW ARE YOU TODAY? Alive. Let's not press the issue. It's been a long week. (You can read previous posts for more details.)
11. FAVORITE NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINK? Earl Grey tea, hot and strong, with a little lemon and lots of sugar.
12. FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK? Crown and coke. Or maybe screwdrivers. I don't drink much anymore thanks to the fistfuls of pills I must take. Bummer, huh?
13. FAVORITE SPORT? I love watching football and gymnastics on TV. And while it's rattling around in my brain, why do they play the World Series of Poker (or whatever it's called) on ESPN? When did poker become a sport?
14. HAIR COLOR? Naturally? Almost black, but I like to change it often (see below). Right now, it's dyed its natural color, except for one patch of auburn I missed and didn't bother to fix. It adds character, or something. First picture: Blonde. Second picture: Purple (but the photo makes it hard to tell).
15. EYE COLOR? It's close enough to black to qualify as black.
16. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? Glasses. After 10 years of the contacts, they started to bother me too much to wear on a daily basis.
17. SIBLINGS? Only child. And adopted, too. [Incidentally, Terre, did you notice you listed your siblings as "2 bothers"? That's a Freudian slip if I ever heard one!]
18. FAVORITE MONTH? Anything cold but not too cold. November's pretty nice.
19. FAVORITE FOOD? My grandmother's Glorious Potatoes. They are as good as the name implies.
20.. LAST FILM YOU WATCHED? Watched Office Space on TV today. God, I love that movie. Last movie I saw in a theater was The Spongebob Squarepants Movie.
22. ARE YOU TOO SHY TO ASK SOMEONE OUT? I'm married. But if the underlying theme of this question is "Do you take risks?" then the answer is yes. I met my hubby online when I was 16. We met in person outside Tilt in Wolfchase Galleria. He wasn't an axe murderer, but he could have been. Yes, I took that risk.
23. SUMMER OR WINTER? Winter, hands down.
24. HUGS or KISSES: Hugs. They're warmer.
26. CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA? Vanilla if it's ice cream. But chocolate if it's other stuff. I mean, they took Tootsie Rolls and made them all sorts of flavors like lime and cherry and vanilla -- and they all suck compared to the original chocolate flavor. Man, you don't mess with a classic.
28. WHO IS MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? I'm blogging it, so whoever memes it first.
29. WHO IS LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? I'm blogging it, so whoever doesn't bother to meme it. :)
30. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING? I'm editing Short Attention Span Mysteries right now. But my pleasure reading of late is The Book of Tea by Kakuzo Okakura. An amazing find. Glad it was recommended to me.
31. WHAT DID YOU DO LAST NIGHT? Played video games with hubby and bro-in-law (and all my gaming buddies). That's what I do every night, which is why this place is such a mess. Hey, I don't have pets or kids, and I worked hard to get where I am. Now I'm going to kick back for a while and live it up.
32. LAST PLACE YOU WENT ON VACATION? I spent a long January weekend in New Orleans. Hubby and I picked up the flu and I missed nearly two weeks of work. Worst. Vacation. Ever.
33. FAVORITE SMELLS? My teddy bear. Smells like hubby! ^_^ I also like the smell of tea first thing in the morning.
34. WHO/WHAT INSPIRES YOU? Oh, that's a hard question to answer in a short space! My parents and grandparents inspire me -- especially my grandparents. When I was growing up, all their stories about The Great Depression and WWII were lost on me. But now those stories are real gems. Both of my grandmothers are still alive and I cherish the things they tell me when I spend time with them. I wish I had talked more to my grandfathers before they died.
35. BUTTERED, PLAIN, OR SALTED POPCORN? What an inane question to follow such a serious one. Actually, popcorn gets caught in my teeth. However, I'm a sucker for fresh corn on the cob out of my grandmother's garden. Yum!
36. FAVORITE CAR? I'm digging my Saturn VUE. After years of having a really small car, I didn't think I'd like an SUV, but it's great having room for my stuff (and leg room, too!).
37. FAVORITE FLOWER? Gerbera daisies. Daisies in general.
WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY? Hmm, year 24. Let's see here. I took the day off from work and celebrated with my family. Hubby's birthday is four days after mine (he married a slightly older woman!), so we celebrate together.
43. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? "Morning already? Gotta take my meds." My first thought of any value is a short prayer that I'll have strength to make it through the day. And you know what? It hasn't failed me yet. :)
Well, that's that. Off to bed. <3
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