Thursday, March 31, 2005

My perfect mix tape

I guess the term "mix tape" is kind of outdated, but "mix CD" just doesn't have the same ring. In any case, it's been a very long time since I've put together a mix of any sort. This one kind of came to me all at once. Think of it as one really whack love song, I guess. :)

I would call this mix Passport Photos, because it's like those snapshots that you get from a photo booth. You know, snapshots of 13 very different stages of a relationship, beginning to end. And, with the exception of maybe one song, these are fairly upbeat, because I don't like my mixes to drag.

If anybody actually puts this together, send me a copy. Because, you know, I'd like a copy of my own mix. And decorate the cover, just because I said so.

Passport Photos 2005
1 - Teenage Dirtbag, Wheatus
2 - New York City, They Might be Giants
3 - My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors, Moxy Fruvous
4 - I Kissed a Girl, Jill Sobule
5 - Call and Answer, Barenaked Ladies
6 - Perhaps, Cake
7 - Hiro's Song, Ben Folds
8 - Here's to the Night, Eve6
9 - Sort of Haunted House, Too Much Joy
10 - Psycho Killer, Talking Heads
11 - Dizz Knee Land, Dada
12 - Closing Time, Semisonic
13 - At My Funeral, Crash Test Dummies

Well, there you have it. It's out of my system.


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    My therapist isn't dead (Yay!)
    Guess I'll go eat worms
    Oh, EVERYBODY has this dream!
    This time, I wasn't so nice
    Finishing up the book
    Tomorrow, I meet HER
    He must be REALLY hideous
    The Best Rainy Day Gift Ever
    Is there a Doctor in the house?
    Comedy Gold in my usage stats