Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Oh, EVERYBODY has this dream!

Okay, one more quick thing -- forgot to post this earlier. I had intended to talk about my strange (memorable, recurring, frightful) dreams I've had through the past four years on Zoloft, Celexa and Effexor. I think (a.) somebody will find it useful; and (b.) the rest of you will find them funny! :-D

Anyway, I was doing a little research online and came across a "dream interpretation" site called Dream Moods. And I'm poking around on their site map, and come across a list of "common dreams."

Check this out:

Remember these are deemed common dreams. I personally have never dreamed about Godzilla in Kmart. In fact, I don't think I've ever dreamed about Kmart period. A close second favorite is "Alligator in Ostrich Suit" -- a much more common dream, don't you think?


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    This time, I wasn't so nice
    Finishing up the book
    Tomorrow, I meet HER
    He must be REALLY hideous
    The Best Rainy Day Gift Ever
    Is there a Doctor in the house?
    Comedy Gold in my usage stats
    My bank hates me. No, really.
    Stacey's reply to my last post
    And, one day, I lose it at work