Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Professionally Fashionable?

I hold in my hand last night's mail: One newsletter, one postcard, a mystery shopping check, a stack of grocery adverts, a renewal notice for Electronic Gaming Monthly (18 months before my subscription expires), and a mysterious business-sized envelope from InStyle magazine.

I throw away the advertisements and notice; the check will be tucked safely away for later deposit. That done, I open the InStyle envelope, and notice it looks annoyingly like a bill. The top is labeled "InStyle Professional Rate Summary." I raise an eyebrow, then look at the outside of the envelope to make sure it really is addressed to me. It is.

I glance down further (just to make sure it really isn't a bill), and some highlighted margin text catches my eye:

Expense Account

Keep top portion for your
expense records. The cost of
your IN STYLE subscription
may be reimbursed by your
company. Consult with your
business manager.

Now, for those of you late to the game, let me fill you in on what I do: I am an editor. I turn caterpillar sentences into butterfly prose. Between my three editing gigs, my main job duties go something like this: Read stuff. Fix it. Use red pen extensively.

But according to InStyle, which sent me a convenient itemized statement to present to my "business manager," I need the following professional tools:
  • Ideas to inspire my personal style
  • The latest fashions in every price range
  • Beauty tips & advice from the pros you can really use
  • An intimate look at your favorite celebrities: their homes, their wardrobes, their beauty secrets
Okay, they've done it. They've convinced me. Instead of filling the page margins with corrections, I'm going to start using it to write critiques of my coworkers' personal style. And forget the red pens -- I've already thrown them out. I'm a professional and I need to be using professional tools ... so from now on, my corrections will be written in red lipstick, with smudgy black eyeliner used for emphasis.

Gisele, Cindy, Tyra -- those supermodels don't have anything on me. I know about A-lines and deadlines ... punctuation and decoration ... whiter smiles and court trials. And I also know that, in a pinch, a press pass works as well as a V.I.P. invitation.

I'm afraid you'll have to excuse me now. I've got to go convince my boss that my professional growth is being stunted by my lack of shiny high-volume hair -- and that the only remedy is the Spring Makeover Special. Well, that, and more red lipstick.


Blogger Monstee said...

- Ideas to inspire my personal style - Think Brad Pitt... Think George Clooney...
- The latest fashions in every price range - Two words, Blue Fur!
- Beauty tips & advice from the pros you can really use - Wash, rinse, repeat... and blues not your color.
- An intimate look at your favorite celebrities: their homes, their wardrobes, their beauty secrets - Define intimate... cause that could get creepy.

Me am Monstee! Me like you blog that me stumble over by randomly following links. You am funny. You keep up good job.

Monstee :]

P.S. Sorry for bad grammar but me am monster... what you expect?

4:10 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

I wonder if my boss wants to spring for those issues of Mental Floss I keep buying. You know, so I can seem smarter by repeating even more random information.

Not hating on Satchel. I had a blog on mblog for maybe six months, my first blog ever. I chose Smacky and Bucky as the title because it needed one, and I usually go by smacky in forums on the 'net. Mblog closed up shop without warning one weekend. Just shut down. They then offered to let me retrieve my old posts for $35. Well, if you read a few of my posts on this blog, you can tell I don't exactly have the makings of the next great American novel here. I just spout out random junk so I don't have to bore people I actually know with my ramblings. So I switched to Blogger and it became Smacky and Bucky II. (What a long dull story. Well, you asked!)

8:56 AM  

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