Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Speechies of goodness

You hang out with the same crowd for a long time, and you might not notice that you've picked up their dialect. My friends are mostly gamers and goons. ... And I've started talking like them.

Earlier today, I was telling my coworker about my new Rainbow Brite shoelaces of goodness, and she starting giggling. "Of goodness?" she asked me. "Yeah," I replied, "as opposed to my Rainbow Brite shoelaces of badness."

I mean, it's not like I walk down the street going, "OMG LOLLERSKATES KEKEKE ROFLCOPTER!!!!11ONE" ... but can I really help it if every once in a while I let out a or a or an ?! I mean ... I can't help it. It's just frickin' natural now.

Why can't you accept me for how I talk? Why do you hate my freedom?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate your freedom because you are a freedom hater ^____________________________________________________________________^

10:06 AM  

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