Thursday, March 24, 2005

Stacey's reply to my last post

Yes, it made me feel better. :)

Oh, gosh Kate. I'm so sorry. I don't really know exactly what to say, because I know I can't fix things. But I will say this -- from the standpoint of what I can do, just let me know when you need help and when you need a load taken off here at work. I won't think less of you (you know that). I learned a long time ago that you can only do what you can do, and if someone else doesn't seem to understand that, fuck 'em (yes, that's what I said) and continue doing what you can do. And I know it sounds trite to tell you not to let it bother you when you make a mistake or hear criticism from someone, but just keep in mind that the same people telling you about your mistake are just happy you made it and not them. And they make them ALL the time. You don't make them often at all, and yes, you deserve to feel good about that. And when you do make a mistake, fuck that too. It happens.
Like I said, that probably doesn't help at all, but at least know that you don't need to worry about what Eric or I think of you. Strike that off the list. We both think you do a great job.


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