Thursday, March 10, 2005

Vacare: To be free

Vacation comes from the word vacare -- latin for to be free. Why am I telling you this? No idea. However, it does remind me that I need to look up the etymology of "brooch" to rectify the pronunciation with the spelling.

So, now's not really the time to talk about my vacation. I've been home for like an hour, and I'm not quite adjusted to "real life" again. A hotel snafu landed me in an awesome restored convent on the corner of Bourbon and Orleans streets. It was posh++. (Incidentally, the idea of a convent on the corner of Bourbon Street was not lost on me!)

Had a great time. Slept late, wandered the French Quarter and Magazine Street, listened to Big Al Carson sing the blues, bought some awesome jewelry, etc. And because of the ideal locale of the hotel, I could come back to the room at any time and nap! Mang, I am all about the naps.

Didn't forget to take my medicine once. I'm a good girl. Intended to call Matt and let him know how the appointment went, but I'm putting it off. Afraid I'll end up like "the other Kate," at least in his mind, and that would be a real shame. Eh, what can you do?

Okay, Paul's gone to the lab to pick up the camera cable. I'm going downstairs to take something for this migraine. I've also been contacted by a few old friends since I've put up the blog link. Um, if you're reading this, I want you to know that was a gutsy move on my part. There's a reason it's not linked to the front page of anymore. Anyway, a few have IMd or e-mailed (yay), and they've mostly gone unanswered. Look, um, all of you -- especially C., J. and M. -- are really special to me. I'm just not quite feeling like myself these days. And when I don't feel like myself, I don't really want to talk. I mean, I end up sounding like a prick anyway, and that ends up in hurt feelings, etc.

As soon as I get pics from the trip uploaded, I'll share the directory. Hang tight.


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