Monday, April 25, 2005


Things Matt did last night that he doesn't remember:
  1. Breaking his wrist.
  2. The last shot of Jack.
  3. Kissing Paul.
  4. Faeries.
  5. Me shining my brights on him when he was lost.
  6. The last phone call he made.
  7. Where he left his cell phone (we found it).
  8. How he hurt his knee.
Edit: More things Matt doesn't remember:
  1. Yelling at me for taking off his hoodie.
  2. Yelling at me because he was bleeding on my pillow.
  3. Yelling at me for cleaning him up.
  4. Kissing me.
  5. Why he ran. The world may never know.


Blogger smacky said...

Holy shit. Hell of a way to turn 21, huh? Hope everything calms down soon. Deep breath.

8:19 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

as long as he can remember his name, i think he'll be all right, huh?

5:48 PM  

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