Wednesday, April 13, 2005

"Good" morning? Ha!

In the words of Garfield, I may rise, but I won't shine.

Last night, I stayed up way too late talking to Paul about all sorts of stuff ... my therapy, his research, my new friend, his car problems. We talked and talked until my Go-To-Sleep-Pills kicked in ... and I fell asleep without setting my alarm.

You can see where this is headed. ^_^

This morning, I woke up 45 minutes late. Now, this isn't a big deal, because I get up three hours before I have to be at work. I reserve an hour for news (local and national) before I even hop in the shower. Still, there's a certain amount of shock that comes from rolling over and seeing the clock say something far different from what you're expecting.

So, I get up, and Paul tells me he's running to the store for breakfast. "I'm taking your car, if that's okay," he says. Sure, I reply, no problem. Ten minutes later, he's back with a bag of hash browns. "I had to take my car ... yours won't start."

Oh, greeeeat. Maybe it's just the terminals, I tell him. He should clean them with a can of Coke. And as long as he's cleaning them, he should use a can of C2, because I can't get rid of it any other way.

I start getting ready for work -- shower, makeup, hair -- while he jumps my car. He comes back to the bedroom and announces success: The car is running. I wonder aloud if it'll be good for the rest of the day, because I have to pick up a friend at the airport tonight, and I'd really hate to be stranded there.

This is the point at which he remembers(!) that he's used his keys to start my ignition. Way to plan ahead, babe. Well, no biggie. The alternator has had about 15 minutes to charge up the battery. We'll just turn off the car and switch out keys.

Except it won't turn back on. Same song, second verse.

So now, I sit at my computer blogging, mentally watching the work pile up on my desk at the office. Paul is at the Saturn dealership with my Vue. Now I can hear some of you saying: Hey, Kate, just drive Paul's car to work! I already thought of that, geniuses. But his brakes went out last weekend while he was on the road. He tells me, "They're fixed but I think there's some air in the line." In man-speak, this means, "They're still broken, but I can be tough about this because my car isn't yet wrapped around a tree." In short, I'm not touching his car with a 10-foot pole until I'm sure it's okay (and not just sorta okay, but really really okay).

Anyway, GOOD MORNING folks! I figure the day can't get much worse, so it's all up from here. I mean, I've had my daily share of crap, so the rest of the day is going to be marvelous to make up for it, right? Right???


Blogger angrygrrface said...

Are you at least having a good hair day?

11:33 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

Isn't that C2 stuff vile? We have 5 cans of it in our basement, and I can't imagine what to do with it. You certainly can't DRINK it!

8:28 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

(1.) It was an awful hair day; (2.) He didn't have to use any C2 (Darn!); (3.) Things got much better after the new battery was put in ... but it set me back $150. Stupid battery. Stupid mechanics. Stupid Saturn.

3:35 PM  

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    Strength stares me in the face
    Why bookstores stock books nobody reads
    How I got a boo-boo on my finger :(
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