Friday, April 22, 2005

Happy Birthday, part 2

Why today was not a good day:

Paul found out his checking account was overdrawn by $150. And his work computer overheated and shut down at random.

Matt got kicked out of my office, got robbed by two bums downtown, then watched a crackhead scam two tourists out of $30.

And I got reprimanded (slightly) for having Matt at work, then ran out of things to do, and had trouble getting the interview I needed for Monday. (In retrospect, I ended up better than both of them ... but it sure didn't feel like it at the time.)

We decided against doing the bar thing. We were all just too pissed off about the turn of events today. So we ordered up sushi et cetera from Sekisui, grabbed a couple of six-packs (Abita Root Beer and Bawls for me, babeeey!), and chilled out over video games and TV.

In other words, just another Friday night around Casa de Kate. ^_^


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