Sunday, April 03, 2005

Hiearchy of fears

Lauren graciously offered to do my therapy "homework" if I'd do her math homework. Now, I vaguely remember calc from my college days -- but only vaguely. I took a self-taught course because I didn't want to deal with teachers. Self-taught courses go something like this: Read textbook. Pretend you understand. Fake your way through 15 tests. Pass. Get on with your life.

In other words, Lauren, you're probably better off getting small marmots to do your math. Which means, sadly, I'm stuck doing my own crap for therapy. Boo-hoo.

Anyway, I spent Saturday making my hiearchy of annoying fearsome things. I left off the crazy stuff like "the back room of my house" and "those homeless men downtown that mutter to themselves." I mean, I don't expect Miriam to be a miracle worker, and there's no need for her to think I'm looney.

Kate's Hiearchy of Fears (from only-kinda-sorta-scary to really-frickin-gonna-die-scary)
  • Commuting to and from work (yucky, but I have to do it to, you know, keep my job)
  • Going to yoga class (only 2 people, so not too scary)
  • Cleaning house -- ugh
  • Parallel parking
  • Watching scary/suspenseful movies or TV shows
  • Answering my phone (with caller ID)
  • Being asked to explain/talk/go to meetings at work
  • Going to the doctor
  • Making phone calls to friends
  • Answering my phone (without caller ID)
  • Going out to lunch/coffee/etc. with one friend
  • Playing my piano in front of anybody
  • Being around friends' pets I'm not familiar with (but are tame)
  • Going to the store/mall if something is truly needed
  • Grocery shopping at a smaller store (i.e. Kroger)
  • Going out to lunch/coffee/etc. with more than one friend
  • Making phone calls to people I do not know
  • Large family gatherings (birthdays, holidays, etc.)
  • Going to the mall if nothing is needed
  • Office parties (holidays, baby showers, etc.)
  • Facing confrontation (upset coworker, somebody asking for spare change)
  • Grocery shopping at a big box (i.e. Wal-Mart)
  • Acceptance in everyday life (constantly asking if I measure up)
  • Being home alone -- yuck.
  • Being in public places without Paul -- double yuck.
After I made up my list, I asked Paul to name things that scared me -- just to see if I'd left anything off the list. "People," he replied. "That pretty much covers it."

If he or I come up with more scary things (no, Paul, they can't be incredibly vague!), I assume this list will be appended. But not right now. I feel the need to go back to bed -- a decidedly un-anxious place. :)


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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