Tuesday, April 05, 2005

How I got a boo-boo on my finger :(

This is going to sound rather backwards. Yesterday, my finger ran into a nail. (No hammer was involved.)

I was walking down some steps after having a grilled tuna sammich at my favorite hole-in-the-wall, when I squarely hit my finger upon a nail sticking out of a wooden railing. There is a distinctly nail-shaped blackish-purple spot on my fingernail. It hurts.

Fortunately, it's not my writing hand. Unfortunately, it is my video game-playing hand. And half of my pair of piano-playing hands. And one-tenth of the fingers needed for touch-typing. Horrible, isn't it? :-)

Anyway, because I'm (very very slightly) injured, I'm cutting this post short and pointing you in the direction of Amy Winfrey's hilarious series Making Fiends and Big Bunny. That should keep you occupied for the balance of the afternoon. (And, if your coworkers are anything like mine, it'll keep them busy, too!)


Blogger Monstee said...

Awwww... poor Kate.
You want me bite it for... Ah, me mean eat it for y... Uh, me mean KISS it for you make it better?


Am it as bad as when you cut you finger on Monday, April 08, 2002 while trying cut index cards make Spanish language vocabulary flashcards? Yes, Kate... me have finished you blog. Me have read every word and me just want to say...

uh... Oh it take too long here, you expect big long e-mail from Monstee in next week or so.

Me hope you finger feel better soon kido.

Me will work on Monstee Music list and get back some time later.

M :]

P.S. Me have also seen lots of you "Hero" pics and my layers say me not to comment at this time.

7:16 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

Kate, you did get that I was talking about shaving my FACE, right? I actually clicked on your nairformen link and it says: DO NOT USE ON HEAD OR FACE, AROUND EYES, IN NOSE, IN EARS, ON NIPPLES, PERIANAL OR GENITAL AREAS.

So (1) Can't use on face

and (2) Ew, it says don't use on the area around the anus. (Shudder)

8:44 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

This is probably a worthless comment, but you HAVE had your tetanus shots, right?

8:56 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

Monstee: It is not as bad as the flashcard incident (man, I'd totally forgotten about that!) because I didn't actually bleed this time. Just have an ugly-ish fingernail. Hey, it gives me a reason to keep them painted. I anxiously await your e-mail. ^_^

AngryGrrFace: I had my last tetanus in 1994 or 1995, when I was a freshman in high school. A friend and I were playing an impromptu game of "Grab-The-Pointy-Metal-Object-We-Found-On-The-Floor," when I sliced open a finger and had to get 13 stitches and a tetanus shot. I don't recall how long the shots last, but I think I'm covered.

Smacky: Thanks for bringing the Nair discussion over to my blog. What are you trying to do? Scare people? ;-) Just don't let your razor get into the wrong hands. A group of my gaming buddies got together for a LAN a couple of years ago, and when one of them passed out drunk, the others shaved off one of his eyebrows. Cruel ... but hilarious. Wish I could've seen it in person.

11:05 AM  

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