Wednesday, April 20, 2005

If... (a slight addendum to my last post)

I wanted to illustrate my last post AND jump-start the discussion amongst my friends, so I'm going to post a question from If...1,2,3 (which is apparently no longer in print in that form).

If you blog, post the answers there along with your own question. And if you don't, stick 'em in my comments. ^_^

"If you were to have bells ring out loud automatically (for all to hear) every time you did a certain thing, what would it be?"

My answer: Came up with a witty, on-target comeback.

Matt's answer: Swear. [Note from Kate: 97 times an hour, even in his sleep.]

Now ... your turn.


Blogger Monstee said...

OK, me answers and me questions in me blog... got to!
But me going to comment on you answers here!

My answer: Came up with a witty, on-target comeback.
If we talking "ding ding ding ding ding" me can see it, but if we talking any kind of insult, witty, on-target comeback me think you need chorus of people saying "Woooo!"
She: "You are so much less attractive when I'm sober."
He: "Thank God it's not that often."
Background chorus: "Wooooo!"

Matt's answer: Swear.
For swearing me think that need foghorn or something. Me can hear it now....
"Shit!" AROOOOOGA! "Damnit!" AROOOOOGA! "Shut that fucking AfRoOgOhOoOrOnGA off!"

5:03 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Go check my blog for my answers and question.

10:22 PM  

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