Sunday, April 17, 2005

Mumbling from the grogginess

I went to bed sometime after 5 a.m. It's now just past 10 a.m. I've gotten five hours of sleep and lost $2 in the process. Go me.

Sometime between the last of the J&Cs and the first of the pina coladas, Matt and I bet each other who could stay up longer. Dude is as stubborn as I am. I'm lucky that I didn't put any money down on Tekken, because he beat me five games in a row. I didn't win even once. And I'm like good at Tekken, too.

It's nice having someone around the house during Paul's 14-hour work days to talk to and goof off with. We even went grocery shopping(!) twice(!!) which did set off the anxiety a little bit, but not nearly as bad as I thought it might. Here's the real question: Am I really feeling decent again? Or am I just having a few good days in a row after which I'll lose it and crash? I guess time will tell.

Paul's awake. I feel like the guy on the answering machine in "Your Most Valuable Possession." Which means that I should probably go before I wake up and forget what was on my mind.


Blogger angrygrrface said...

What's Tekken?

2:29 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

5 hours?!? 5 hours?!?! Me dream of getting 5 hou....
that not sound right.

So how long you did stay up? If it am less than 24 hours then me am not impressed. 24 hours am nothing!
Me can stay up 24 hours in me sleep!


3:34 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

Mmmm. Tekken.

Tekken Tag is my game of choice, but in my book, it's only fair if both people use the random feature to choose both characters randomly. Oh, and it helps to be at least semi-sober, too.

4:53 PM  

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