Sunday, April 03, 2005

Music Therap-ized

4:10 p.m. Sunday, I receive e-mail from my best buddy, Carrie (the page is outdated -- sorry). Here are bits and pieces of her e-mail...

As I mentioned in my IM, I've been thinking about music therapy strategies for you. Now, typically I'm in the educational end of music therapy, but I've also had exposure to more "therapeutic" forms of music therapy.

... I was noticing that you have a fear of playing piano in front of anyone, which I won't touch at the moment except to say that it sounds to me you are worried about what others may think of you. Miriam should be giving you more insight on this in the near future, I'm sure.

But I'm also thinking that if *I* were your music therapist, I would start with having you list about 10 songs that you really like and are really important to you, and explain why. ... And I'm not just talking about the songs that "sounds cool." I'm talking about some of those you quote lyrics to because they really MEAN something to you. This is one of those lyric-analysis type of activities. ...

Hmm. A tall order, no? But I spent about three hours this afternoon coming up with a list of songs that mean a lot to me -- at different times and for different reasons. Now, I may wake up tomorrow morning and disagree with my choices ... but I kind of doubt it.

10 Songs That Mean Something to Me (in alphabetical order, not order of importance)
  1. The Beekeeper, Tori Amos
  2. Hold Me Now, Polyphonic Spree
  3. Hurt, Nine Inch Nails
  4. Little Earthquakes, Tori Amos
  5. My IQ, Ani DiFranco
  6. Never Thought, Roger Clyne
  7. Precious Illusions, Alanis Morissette
  8. Providence, Ani DiFranco
  9. Tonight Tonight, Smashing Pumpkins
  10. We're In This Together, Nine Inch Nails
I guess I will post my little analysis thingies later. Just trying to get the list out there so that I can start on it one piece at a time.

Carrie (and all you other psychologist wannabees out there [Monstee]) -- get to work.


Anonymous Rusty Knight said...

what, no old l.a. tonight by ozzy :(

12:48 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

Ooh, that's a sad song. It definitely ranks up there.

Besides Old LA Tonight, other songs that almost made the cut were The Kids Aren't Alright, Offspring; As Is, Ani DiFranco; Not The Same, Ben Folds; and Who Let The Dogs Out?, The Baha Men.

Okay, I'm kidding on that last one. ^_^

10:29 AM  
Blogger Monstee said...

#1. The list.

Where am the RAMONES?????
Where am the Sisters of Mercy, Oingo Boingo or They Might Be Giants?

Okokok... you get 2 points for having 2 NIN songs (personally me would have said "Closer") and 1/2 point for the almost Offspring.

But them am songs that mean something to you, and that am good.
Me look forward to finding out why.

#2. Psychologist wannabee?

What you mean by that?
How you know me am not a Psychologist? Me just happen to have studied with most famous psychologist in world. True, that am long time ago and we split up over bitter dispute of him "Penis envy" theory vs. me "Booboholic" theory (unpublished), but we DID work together. Me have pictures!! Me can prove it!

What you want us "get to work" on? You want lists from us or analyze you list? If you want analysis, me what to start with holding up roadkill and you tell what you see.

6:52 PM  

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    Hiearchy of fears
    Whaddya mean, there's homework?!
    10 Things (Almost) Nobody Knows About Me
    My perfect mix tape
    My therapist isn't dead (Yay!)
    Guess I'll go eat worms
    Oh, EVERYBODY has this dream!
    This time, I wasn't so nice
    Finishing up the book
    Tomorrow, I meet HER