Wednesday, April 13, 2005

My friend, the shrink

In February, I mentioned that I had a friend, Tyler, who's a psychiatrist. He's part of the same gaming community I am, and he was the first person I talked to about starting therapy.

Anyway, I was poking around the file servers for my Web site and Paul's Web site, and I came across a stash of pictures from one of our LAN parties. And there was one of the funniest pictures of Tyler I've ever seen. I just had to share.

Does this look like the kind of guy you want to treat your mental condition?


Blogger Monstee said...

Oh, this am too easy....

"Uh, doc, I was wondering is I could talk abo... AHHHHHHH!!!!"


"No, the chair is fine. I don't need the couch right now. But could you dim your eyes? And did you just breath fire?"


"No, I don't think bringing my baby in for therapy would help! It's hot in here! Would you please stop polishing you sacrificial dagger collection and turn down your flaming pit?"

5:47 PM  

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