Friday, April 29, 2005

Planning the perfect weekend

Looks like it's going to thunderstorm -- hard -- all weekend. Bummer, as I had really been hoping to get out into the sunshine a bit. The depression and anxiety keep me indoors an awful lot, and it occurred to me that maybe a bit of sun would do me good. And if I went alone, it'd give me a chance to re-center and re-ground myself without too much distraction!

The prospect of going out got my cogs spinning. How could I create the "perfect day" alone -- a day that would bring back happy memories long after it was over? What favorite places, activities and things would I want with me? I think it'd go something like this:

I sleep in, waking up when the sun's rays stream through my bedroom blinds. The day is sunny. The birds in the backyard are chirping, but the neighbors yappy dog is nowhere to be found. I go sit in the den, wrapped up in my Favorite Blue Blanket and sipping a cup of sugary Earl Grey. When I feel warm and awake, I shower, brush my teeth and put on a little makeup.

I pull on my favorite Bohemian black skirt (red pants underneath), Birkenstocks, a black T-shirt and my black hoodie. I pack my Vue up and get in ... and wow! The gas tank's full! (Hey, it's my fantasy, folks.) I drive to the Botanic Gardens, because if I'm going to admire the cherry blossoms, that's the place to do it.

When I get there, I find a nice, big tree under which I can relax. I pull a soft-not-scratchy blanket out of the back of the Vue and spread it under the tree. I get out Big Brown Bear, because a teddy bear can give you hugs even when you're alone. Hmm ... what have I brought along? Some reading materials -- a volume of T.S. Eliot, some Diane Di Prima, maybe my Palm with its half-dozen e-books i've been meaning to read.

I've also brought along a kite, a coloful nylon thing with not one, but two, rolls of twine (I aim high); my favorite hat, which doubles as a sleep mask should I doze off; and my yoga mat and strap. Then there's a bottle of catnip, for keeping away the bugs; a semi-firm pillow to lounge on; and a leather-bound chapbook, so I can sketch and write to my heart's content.

And I've brought along a picnic basket, with a case of Abita root beer, Zoe's potato salad, and a big slice of Aunt Linda's red velvet cake. I also have several bottles of Orangina, because I can't often get my hands on it and it's a real treat.

Over the course of the day, I write and draw and read and fly my kite. I take a warm nap, curled up under my tree. I position myself in Warrior Pose, stretching myself deeper with each breath. And I meditate, taking in the essence of the trees and the grass and the geese ... and ridding myself of the sadness and the stress.

Then, when I feel so full of life and light that I'm about to burst, I'd pack up my car, drive back into the suburbs and slip into the Jacuzzi ... before drifting off to a sound sleep snuggled into cool, satin sheets.

Sounds pretty nice, huh? How would you make a solitary day perfect?


Blogger angrygrrface said...

A perfect day for me wouldn't have anything to do with solitude. But your fantasy day sounds appealing, too.

1:36 PM  

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