Sunday, April 24, 2005

Things that recur in my dreams

Scientific fact: Everybody dreams every night. I just happen to remember a ton of my dreams because (1.) I wake up 12 times a night, and (2.) I'm taking brain-altering drugs. O_o

I had my first recurring dream when I was about 13. I was trying to get out of this house (think Winchester Mansion, folks) and I was being haunted by the Eye of Ra. Sounds incredibly boring now, but it was really freaky. Freaky enough for me to buy my first dream dictionary to piece together the symbols.

I have a ton of recurring dreams. And then sometimes, I have different dreams entirely, but an object or a person from a previous dream will pop up. I wish I had the time and the energy to do more research on it, because I'd like to find out how much of this is just Kate being Kate ... and how much is because my brain chemistry is being altered.

So ... without further ado ...

Things that recur in Kate's dreams
  • Giant pinball machines. By giant, I mean they're double or triple their normal size. In fact, whole arcades of giant games. I usually want to play, but can't -- somebody tells me we're running late, or I get an emergency phone call ... or whatever.
  • Basements. Not dark and creepy house-sized basements, per se. Instead, I often dream that I'm on an upper level (in a mall, for example) looking down. And I really want to get down there, but I can't.
  • Keys. Just last night, I dreamed that I was digging through my purse for my house keys, and I was pulling out keyrings full of keys ... but not the ones I needed. I'd pull out a keyring, say, "These aren't mine," throw them on the car seat next to me, and start digging again. I woke up without finding my keys.
  • Huge places in which I'm lost. Malls, fairs, my high school (but like eight times the size and with hallways that go nowhere). In general, I'm always trying to get from here to there. I think I know where there is, but when I start walking, suddenly there isn't there anymore. :)
  • Hiding. Okay, everybody has the running-from-a-monster dream at some point. That's not what I'm talking about. More than once, I've dreamed that I'm a reporter again. I'm trying to get a story by following a source, so I hide. One time it was in a tiny cave. Another time it was in one of those claw games. And it's not just reporter dreams, but those are the first that come to mind.
  • Ringing telephones. Can't find them. Can't answer them. I used to think my real-life phone was ringing and I was inserting a telephone in my dream instead of waking up. Yeah, that's happened, but the dream telephone happens much more often.
Well, that's a good starter list. There's more, but I'm starting to feel groggy and I'm thinking about traipsing off to bed again. Any ideas on what these mean?


Blogger angrygrrface said...

I think reoccuring dreams are perfectly normal. However, dream books are awesome.

6:30 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

I think they are perfectly normal too. I don't usually have the same exact dream, but I have "recurring themes."

And btw, do the giant pinball machines ever say, "Another coin pleeease?" Sorry, I just couldn't resist...

Oh, and I've had that "I know where4 I'm going but I can't find it and am extremely lost dream more than once myself. In fact, I can remember one of them as being rather recently...

6:44 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

...everybody has the running-from-a-monster dream at some point. I hide. One time it was in a tiny cave.

Me not know weather be insulted or demand royalties!


Me have NEVER had dream running-from-monster dream! ...chasing after people, yes... and why you people always running? Why you fear monsters? You think we all just want "get" you, right? What you think we going to do then? Huh?!? EAT YOU?!?!?! Me fill you in on little fact you people no know, dream monsters am different than REAL monsters. Me know plenty as friends... well, friends of friends, but still! Me know for fact that dream monsters am mostly all vegetarian, gay, tree-hugging, earth-firsters who have NO intentions of "getting" you! Them may look spooky, them may sound spooky, but 9 times out of 10 if them catch you them pull out lint brush and just dust you off, comment on you outfit and give you directions to fashion store where you buy better stuff. NEXT TIME you no run. You offer big hug and them just might do you colors.

M :]

2:17 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

Monstee, darling, I do apologize. You know I'd never insult you (to your face at least). ^_^

I'd really like it if you'd post in your blog about dream monsters (a la Monsters Inc.). I want to delve in a little further about how I can reconcile my relationship with my dream monsters. After all, I've been running from them for YEARS! They're probably quite offended, and I'm going to need some help making it up to them. What do you buy dream monsters? Candy and chocolates? And how do you make sure it gets delivered to the right one? Do they have names and how do I find out what they are? So much to learn!!! :)

Also ... when are we gonna hear more about MoMstee? I bet she's got tons of Fuzzy Blue Words of Wisdom to share! :)


5:49 PM  

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